Coding Using RoboMaster
TT Tello Drone
What is the Robomaster TT Tello Drone?
The second-generation drone from DJI Education is a programmable drone specifically designed for education to help teach coding and cultivate knowledge in artificial intelligence (AI), and robotics. Drone programming is completed using an iPad or laptop computer in an easily digestible and hands-on approach which is crucial for applying real world knowledge.
The drone hardware is accessed through block coding (Drone Blocks) as well as text coding (Python & Java). The RGB LED lights are programmable (up to 256 shades). The drone’s range is 100 meters and an altitude of 30 meters which is ideal for student use.

How the Drone is Used for Our Students
Nipmuc Regional High School
• Available for use in 9th-12th grades science, math, and computer science classes. • Potential student use from 50 to 150 students.
• Dovetails nicely with Project Lead the Way high school computer science initiative. • Designed for 8 – 10 week time frame in classes, enabling use in multiple classes. • Used for district’s Inspired Learning Days initiative.
• Available for after school drone club and/or drone competitions.
• Used for Nipmuc Showcase for incoming eighth grade students.
Skill Development & Drone Technology
Productive STEM engagement
Project collaboration & team building
Real world modeling
Mathematics, coding & engineering
Industries That Use Drone Technology
1. Surveying, Mapping & Inspection
2. Real Estate
3. Media & Entertainment
4. Law Enforcement
5. Agriculture
6. Drone Delivery
7. Transportation & Energy
8. Fire Fighting

Mini PCR
Enhances classroom experience
Students do their own DNA experiments start to finish
Program their reactions​
Track temperature in real time
Exposure to industry base laboratory instrument

Using Mini PCR to Create Interdisciplinary Learning Opportunities - Nipmuc
​Jennifer Field and Samantha Wilson
MUEF Grants in Action Video Archive
Investigations of the Natural World – Miscoe Hill
Britt Kahler and Jen Parent

I3 Funding the Future of Learning:
​Interest, Inquiry and Innovations in Learning - Nipmuc
Matt Merten, Jennifer Field, Johanna Annunziata, Leigh-Ann Ramsey
Blue Bots Programming - Memorial
Kati Dunton
Art-O-Matic – ​Miscoe Hill and Nipmuc
​Jon Hansen and Alison Clish

Fitness Through Technology – Nipmuc
Steve DellaRovere
Google Expeditions - Memorial
Leigh-Anne Evans, Allison White, Leah Hagen
Grow Big or Grow Home
Miscoe Hill Sara Higgins
Exchange Program with Spain
​Katie Cardamone and Trish Moloney
Makerspace Centers – ​
Memorial School Library
Karlyn Gale
Cubelets Robotics Project – ​Memorial
Debby Coyle